Calendar Post by Month

November 2011



Well I did it again… Last night I was a bit tired and had come to my room a bit later than usual (made a shopping trip to Walmart for a few minor supplies and had gone out to eat so it was about 9:30 when I got in)… , I took my shoes off as my feet were “dog” tired… was a walking over to the desk, to do a few things before bed, when WHAM!, POW!   Walked right into the feet of the chair… it hurt, I said a few words and cursed the feet of that chair


The offending party!

I sat on the end of the bed and started to rub my poor “little toe” that was so brutally attacked when I looked and it was “angled off to the right about 25 degrees or more?  That is not right?  My toes generally run straight out from my foot?  What the HELL is this?  It occurred to me that I did hit it pretty hard was it broke?  I touched it and it still had feeling and I wasn’t passing out.  Not thinking very clearly or maybe more clearly than I should have, I immediately figured it was popped out of the socket and all I need to do was give it a yank out straight and it would pop back… Ok with out thinking about pain or anything I grabbed it pulled and “pop-crack” it snapped back straight? Huh? that was easy… then it occurred to me, “OUCH, YOU DAMN FOOL THAT HURT AGAIN!”… I didn’t pass out, and didn’t feel a lot of excess pain so I put a cold pak (ice in a Wal-Mart bag) on it for a few minutes and it began to hurt more so I just went to bed…

Today I briefly looked at it this morning, put my socks on and went to work…  Of course today was a field trip, standing and walking on locating in AWFUL steel toed boots, then walk all over the damn yard again until getting back to the room at about 6pm…  It didn’t really hurt a lot today, but did ache some… I did wear an extra heavy work sock in my boots and thay may have helped some… but as you can tell it was damaged some last night in all the action but it feels somewhat ok tonite with no shoes on and has blood flow… It is swollen pretty good but again it is my “little toe”.  I think I will live but sure don’t want to do this again anytime soon…

rightThe undamaged foot for comparison.

The broken,  bruised appendage…                  The “undamaged foot for comparison… – WD0AJG

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