Great fun…NOT!

I just spent 5.5 hours behind the snowblower just to get the front drive cleared… well I put in 1.75 hours helping the neighbor get some of his cleared so he could get in and out of his garage.  The drifts there were 4+ feet and packed pertty hard… but got him cleared.  My drifts were only about 3 ft… on most of the drive…ha!

We lost power yesterday at about 11:30am… got it back about 9:30am today.  Fortunate the house has 3 gas fireplaces that work with out electricity so we had plenty of heat and hot water… other than it got damn dark with no lights and only candles… so bed early… up early and out to run the blower…

This was

“And Now the Rest of the Story – “Great fun…NOT!