Calendar Post by Month

March 2016


What? and Old Geysers do this

OK, first up… what the hell are they trying to tell us? 


I thought GS#1 might know but he had no answer so…. I just googled it up!… but got not much else…+

In Cardinal translation

Number facts = and odd composite number? what?

In Decimal = 85?

so I am still not sure what the code is… guess I am just getting too old for this shit…

So today we were in Colorado Springs… similar to the other days in Denver but different location… little GS watching and other things…had to make a trip to the store.  I wanted to find something the little dog wouldn’t chew up as she chews up the beds I put in her crate, she chews up blankets she lays on, and she chews upthe seatbelt tether we use on them while traveling in the car… first up I need to replace some seat belt thethers… so off to ace to look at chains and links but didn’t find much there that looked useful… most of the chains either too large , too heavy, too long, or ? just not sure so still looking.  We then had to make stops for MawMaw to check out yarn things.  First up Hobby Lobby.  Well, I don’t really need anything there so stayed out in the car… I might get lost in those big stores then she would have to search for me, and I don’t wear a harness.  Next we went on to a huge JoAnn’s to look for some special yarn and while I was setting in the car I noticed another old geyser setting in his car…


I guess us old geysers have common thouoghts… better not get lost and don’t have a lot of interest in those stores around the yarn, or fabrick or ? Last time here, at this same store, I saw a couple of us old geysers setting outside on the bench, so it is best we all stay out of the way and not get lost.

Also spotted this and figure I might put it on my cars?  figure it might be a good excuse for some of the dumb mistakes we make?


Like I said we were watching GS#3 but most of the day his parents were here.  He knows enough to get h is car/jeep back up on the wheels and big enough to get it done…


Oh now it layed down again..


Get a hold good and shove it back up..


Now get back in and hope someone will push it some more… or I scream till they do.

One last shot… for several nights in a row the moon has been such that here there appears to be a very distinct face in it… but in the pictures not so much but this is what I got anyway..


of course I remember years ago being able to see a lot of things… I think my imagination was stronger?



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