Calendar Post by Month

August 2015


It is getting cramped here…

I woke up way too early so at 5am I went out to see if I could catch any of the meteors… I did see about 4 meteors and maybe as many planes moving across the sky before the sun came up…Later, I got out and worked on the new 160 meter loop a bit today… early I moved some wires around and got ready for a welder to tack on a plate to a guy post so I can boost the wire loop up and away… will use 2×4 to boost it up about 12 feet above any of the metal posts I had been using… except for on corner that I have no other alternative at this point… getting nearly 600 ft. of wire up about 20 ft. off the ground and on a double lot is a challenge but I have it all worked out and it will be up, hope by weekend… then test and trim and all that stuff… although it will not be a real “loop’”… more like a big rectangle but that is where I had the space, and it would fit… and not be over the house and the noise there, etc.  Hey it ain’t the flux capacitor or anything like that…


Anyway it is just a bunch of wire and a few dollars of 2×4 supports and a couple of trees… if it bombs… will put it back to either an 80 loop or a 160 dipole? 

At noon I went to town for lunch and a few small parts… and realized that it must be move in time for the university… I know I put in that last week the sorority girls were all in for Rush but hey… this week it is the general student population that is moving back. So about 10 times as many crazy people are driving on the roads now as there was last week and that was about double the week before…


With moving in, no one has food, etc.  and they are all out at the restaurants with parents (in some cases) and moving beds, misc. and other stuff in… easy to  spot all the full cars of clothes and junk working their way to campus… or at the restaurants… best I take the back roads for a month or so… to that end I spotted some new Buses for OSU… nice paint job…


There were only two in the lot so not sure what they will be used for but assume they will be local as they are CNG bus so distance driving may be a problem?  Could be they are the new Tulsa route buses?

While on our way home from lunch I found a “free range” family car… I think? 


I remember when we were all “free-range” kids… mom said get outside and do something other than bother me… so we learned how to “stay alive” , “have fun with out technology” and “figure s) tuff out”… But today they better pull that kid back in or risk being turned in for neglect…

As I come by the practice field I see that even the flag girls (team) have to practice a lot… seems we were seeing band members in the past week or more so I guess they are just as important as the sports teams and have to show early to get the music and routines down… and back to the issue of check in???? When I was “at the university” and yes it was a damn long time ago, I think we checked in on Friday before class on Saturday or something… ? not sure but it might have been rigged that way to prevent a lot of “early out” situation and all?  now they are here about a week before class or more… prime party time for some… glad I am not out at night…


oh and yesterday when I came in from something??? I found my Grandsons cat on the couch…


I didn’t  think that looked to comfortable but I wasn’t going to tell her…

This afternoon I had a few minutes to set on the back deck and drink some cool water and remembered I had not pictured the new birds…


I made 3 one morning last week and had them hanging out and then Sunday or so I put them on the fishing lure spreader… with a few of the older ones… Today the new ones were winging it pretty good , much better than my old versions so maybe I have improved on the spinning wing feature?  They don’t seem to bother the real birds as they are not fighting over the feeder as they fatten up before they leave next month… Still not as many around this year as in years past… figure the late spring rains moved some of them on, while it helped some of the other locals…


I think this is a second hatch for the mocking birds… we had a bit of a staring contest for a little bit… then I gave up and moved on when MOM/DAD was squawking at me from the nearby antenna wire…

Not sure about tomorrow but think I will try to get more of the antennas done?  Just need to get the mast built for the last post and put some ends on the line I threw up into the tree so I can pull things up off the ground… I may have to trim some limbs first as I see along my north line that some are really sticking out and will make it hard to get the wire up and away from them… At least it is not over 100 degrees this week…



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