Calendar Post by Month

July 2015


It is an affliction with no cure…

Today was the “real” start of Krazy Daze here.  I could have done real well with out that… My problem is that the Student store had everything in the stadium location at 75% off… EVERYTHING!… they had moved all the stuff that was not selling in either store to that location and they wanted to clear out all the “last years” models and even a lot of previous years stuff… so … go the other stores one better and mark it down 75%… They actually started yesterday and yes I went… I bought… saw stuff I just couldn’t pass up at 75%… So what happened today? 

I got around, called the barber and he had a spot for me at 9 am… great as I really needed a haircut.  I got there and we discussed the local sports activities… good and bad… and how the local paper had jumped their subscription price 55%… I dropped my subscription yesterday when it came due… There isn’t that much “NEWS” in the paper and taking it for all the discount adds and other stuff is mostly worthless so I just cut it loose… so did the barber.  He got a better deal from the Tulsa paper so is getting it now…

When I finished up my cut I figured to go get some keys made and needed to get an appointment with the “endodontist” to get some issue with my implant looked at… I headed toward the lock smith shop and then figured, why not go a block more and see what Chris’s was selling… I stopped and it didn’t take long to see they didn’t have a lot that I even wanted setting out… so I headed on to “For Pete’s Sake”  they had a bit m more and the places near had a big bundle of stuff out but not much in my size… I glanced over it and figured I could do without as it was not ….. cheap enough… since I had been bitten by the 75% off thing yesterday… but once I got that close the 75% off place was only a few blocks and it had a big pull on me so I ended up there… and yes… saw a few more things I didn’t need but just had to have… called Sherrie before I got in and she said if they had????? get some in her size… well I found them and they had the size so I picked them up and a few more things… DAMN 75% off disease is some kind of affliction for cheap people like me… even being cheap if it is really cheap I will buy the damn stuff even when I don’t need it… I got done and out… and then got my keys made and the Dr. appointment made and back for lunch.  But after lunch, Sherrie and I had to go by the place and the jeep just stopped!… We ended up getting a few more things but this time it was for the grandkids… they never have enough stuff anyway right?  They sure don’t need Santa Claus when Grandma is around…

Well from there I was able to herd the jeep (with difficulty) all the way home… got in the house and locked up the keys… no more KrazyDaze for me… not sure how I am going to handle tomorrow? 

last night I had put some polish sausages and peppers and onions in a marinade and tonight they got cooked… on the smoker… the marinade is just something I guessed might be ok and it turned those polish into HOT polish, and they weren’t too bad… wish they had been fresh instead of some I found in the freezer that needed to be cooked up… still they were ok and the peppers turned out ok as well…





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