Calendar Post by Month

January 2015


The things you miss?

I didn’t even know I was missing it… Just another normal – retired – day.  I really didn’t want to get up but did when Sherrie did.  I am going to need some  pep pills or get back to going to bed at 10, like I used to… or maybe 9?  I got around, did a little laundry, folding, stuff as well as had my wonderful bran breakfast.  Actually I do like bran cereal and it gives me some fiber as well…

When the cleaning lady arrived I gathered up my self and went out to the shop and got on the computer there.  I have been working over the blog and just can’t get a new theme version to work right.  It won’t pick up the header pictures nor the menu when I swap so I end up going back to a theme that works for me… I might get it figured out some day or find a different theme to use.  I have been watching the new security plugins and they all seem to be working ok… My little corner of the universe is so limited in value that I am not found very often (by the hackers)…

So in reality I didn’t get much done…I made my usual trip in town for lunch.  We opted for mexican today… nice change but still just fast food… When I got home I spent some time going over some bills, some tax things, getting ready for the process of fending off the government so they don’t just take everything… After I did a few more little things ,Like run the mower and air the tires on it, they were way down and It is best to run the engines a little rather than let it set for months… keep it lubed up, as if I use it very much… noticed that it has all of 98 hours on it… I bought it in 2008… probably a lot more mower than I needed for my yard but hey, it will likely be my last mower… if I take good care of it…

One thing I did get done today was re-establish the fact that I do like setting on the back deck, when it is warm enough, and just watch the open field or pond… I don’t need some NON-reality show or the blaring boob tube to enjoy things.  In fact, the wind chime and the warmth of the sun can be far more inviting.  I had mis-placed that feeling since it has been so darn cold out lately.   After my few chores I then went and sat in the sun, watched the varmints in the back yard and …. hummm , setting in the sun spurred me to get back up and go pull out the tomatoe baskets, and move the sprinkler hose in the flower bed so I can put more dirt in this spring, and pull some weeds (early)… and , and, but then I went back and soaked in some more sun…


It was 75 degrees, the wind was low but enough to really be moving the chime… it does play hell with my hearing aids so I took them out… noticed it was warm enough for those pesky wasps to be out looking…


Had to get up and clean that bed out… hadn’t taken the tomotoe baskets out from last fall so all that is removed now… ready for a bit more top soil and replanting…


Sun shimmer on the water… really nice afternoon…

We have a BB game tonight… sure hope they figure out what they are doing and play better than past weeks?  Not sure what else we will get done but am guessing it won’t be much..



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